import logging import os import time import requests import ipaddress import urllib3 # Environment variables OPNSENSE_URL = os.getenv("OPNSENSE_URL", None) OPNSENSE_API_KEY = os.getenv("OPNSENSE_API_KEY", None) OPNSENSE_API_SECRET = os.getenv("OPNSENSE_API_SECRET", None) TECHNITIUM_URL = os.getenv("TECHNITIUM_URL", None) TECHNITIUM_TOKEN = os.getenv("TECHNITIUM_TOKEN", None) DNS_ZONE_SUBNETS = os.getenv("DNS_ZONE_SUBNETS", None) DO_V4 = (os.getenv("DO_V4", "false").lower() == "true") VERIFY_HTTPS = (os.getenv("VERIFY_HTTPS", "true").lower() == "true") CLOCK = int(os.getenv("CLOCK", "30")) def get_opnsense_data(path): r = requests.get(url=OPNSENSE_URL + path, verify=VERIFY_HTTPS, auth=(OPNSENSE_API_KEY, OPNSENSE_API_SECRET)) if r.status_code != 200: logging.error("Error occurred" + str(r.status_code) + ": " + r.text) return None return r.json() def get_ndp(): return get_opnsense_data("/api/diagnostics/interface/search_ndp") def get_dhcp4_leases(): return get_opnsense_data("/api/dhcpv4/leases/searchLease") def build_matches(ndp, leases): matches = set() for e in leases["rows"]: ip6s = tuple(x["ip"].split("%")[0] for x in ndp["rows"] if x["mac"] == e["mac"] and e["if_descr"] == x["intf_description"]) if len(ip6s) == 0 and not DO_V4: continue matches.add((e["address"], ip6s, e["hostname"])) return matches def find_zone(zones, ip4): for zone in zones: if ip4 in zone[0]: return zone[1] return None def get_existing_records(domain, zone): url = f"{TECHNITIUM_URL}/api/zones/records/get?token={TECHNITIUM_TOKEN}&domain={domain}.{zone}" r = requests.get(url=url, verify=VERIFY_HTTPS) if r.status_code != 200: logging.error("Error fetching existing records: " + str(r.status_code) + ": " + r.text) return [] return r.json().get("response", {}).get("records", []) def delete_record(zone, domain, record_type, value): url = f"{TECHNITIUM_URL}/api/zones/records/delete?token={TECHNITIUM_TOKEN}&domain={domain}.{zone}&zone={zone}&type={record_type}&value={value}" r = requests.get(url=url, verify=VERIFY_HTTPS) if r.status_code != 200: logging.error("Error deleting record: " + str(r.status_code) + ": " + r.text) else:"Deleted {record_type} record for {value} in {domain}.{zone}") def add_record(zone, domain, record_type, ip): url = f"{TECHNITIUM_URL}/api/zones/records/add?token={TECHNITIUM_TOKEN}&domain={domain}.{zone}&type={record_type}&ttl=5&expiryTtl=604800&overwrite=false&ptr=true&ipAddress={ip}" r = requests.get(url=url, verify=VERIFY_HTTPS) if r.status_code != 200: logging.error("Error adding record: " + str(r.status_code) + ": " + r.text) else:"Added {record_type} record for {ip} in {domain}.{zone}") def sync_records(zones, match): zone = find_zone(zones, ipaddress.ip_address(match[0])) if zone is None: logging.warning("Could not find a DNS zone for " + match[0]) return ip4 = match[0] ip6s = [ipaddress.ip_address(x) for x in match[1]] hostname = match[2] if hostname == "": logging.warning("No hostname found for " + match[0]) return existing_records = get_existing_records(hostname, zone) existing_ips = {r["rData"]["ipAddress"] for r in existing_records if r["type"] in ["A", "AAAA"]} current_ips = set([ip4] if DO_V4 else []) | {ip.exploded for ip in ip6s} # Delete outdated records for ip in existing_ips - current_ips: record_type = "A" if "." in ip else "AAAA" delete_record(zone, hostname, record_type, ip) # Add missing records for ip in current_ips - existing_ips: record_type = "A" if "." in ip else "AAAA" add_record(zone, hostname, record_type, ip) def run(): if not VERIFY_HTTPS: urllib3.disable_warnings() previous_matches = set() zones = [] for z in DNS_ZONE_SUBNETS.split(","): zone = z.split("=") zones.append((ipaddress.ip_network(zone[0]), zone[1])) while True: ndp = get_ndp() if ndp is None: logging.error("Error retrieving NDP table") continue leases = get_dhcp4_leases() if leases is None: logging.error("Error retrieving DHCPv4 leases") continue matches = build_matches(ndp, leases) new_matches = matches - previous_matches previous_matches = matches for match in new_matches: sync_records(zones, match) time.sleep(CLOCK) def verify_env() -> bool: if not OPNSENSE_URL: return False if not OPNSENSE_API_KEY: return False if not OPNSENSE_API_SECRET: return False if not TECHNITIUM_URL: return False if not TECHNITIUM_TOKEN: return False if not DNS_ZONE_SUBNETS: return False return True if __name__ == "__main__": logging.getLogger().setLevel(os.getenv("LOG_LEVEL", "INFO"))"loading environment...") if not verify_env(): logging.error("Missing mandatory environment variables") exit(0)"Starting SLAACsense...")"OPNSENSE_URL: {}".format(OPNSENSE_URL))"TECHNITIUM_URL: {}".format(TECHNITIUM_URL))"VERIFY_HTTPS: {}".format(VERIFY_HTTPS)) run()