diff --git a/service/api/comments.go b/service/api/comments.go
index 0a1aa00..9db468b 100644
--- a/service/api/comments.go
+++ b/service/api/comments.go
@@ -33,8 +33,16 @@ func (rt *_router) GetComments(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httpro
+	// get limits, or use defaults
+	start_index, limit, err := helpers.GetLimits(r.URL.Query())
+	if err != nil {
+		helpers.SendBadRequest(w, "Invalid start_index or limit", rt.baseLogger)
+		return
+	}
 	// get the user's comments
-	success, comments, err := rt.db.GetComments(uid, photo_id, ctx.Auth.GetUserID())
+	success, comments, err := rt.db.GetComments(uid, photo_id, ctx.Auth.GetUserID(), start_index, limit)
 	if err != nil {
 		helpers.SendInternalError(err, "Database error: GetComments", w, rt.baseLogger)
diff --git a/service/api/likes.go b/service/api/likes.go
index 38bed29..f107dad 100644
--- a/service/api/likes.go
+++ b/service/api/likes.go
@@ -23,13 +23,21 @@ func (rt *_router) GetLikes(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httproute
+	// get limits, or use defaults
+	start_index, limit, err := helpers.GetLimits(r.URL.Query())
+	if err != nil {
+		helpers.SendBadRequest(w, "Invalid start_index or limit", rt.baseLogger)
+		return
+	}
 	// send 404 if the user does not exist
 	if !helpers.VerifyUserOrNotFound(rt.db, uid, w, rt.baseLogger) {
 	// get the user's likes
-	success, likes, err := rt.db.GetPhotoLikes(uid, photo_id, ctx.Auth.GetUserID())
+	success, likes, err := rt.db.GetPhotoLikes(uid, photo_id, ctx.Auth.GetUserID(), start_index, limit)
 	if err != nil {
 		helpers.SendInternalError(err, "Database error: GetLikes", w, rt.baseLogger)
diff --git a/service/database/database.go b/service/database/database.go
index c9f1607..e2e07b3 100644
--- a/service/database/database.go
+++ b/service/database/database.go
@@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ type AppDatabase interface {
 	PostPhoto(uid string) (DBTransaction, int64, error)
 	DeletePhoto(uid string, photo int64) (bool, error)
-	GetPhotoLikes(uid string, photo int64, requesting_uid string) (QueryResult, *[]structures.UIDName, error)
+	GetPhotoLikes(uid string, photo int64, requesting_uid string, start_index int, offset int) (QueryResult, *[]structures.UIDName, error)
 	LikePhoto(uid string, photo int64, liker_uid string) (QueryResult, error)
 	UnlikePhoto(uid string, photo int64, liker_uid string) (QueryResult, error)
 	GetUserProfile(uid string) (QueryResult, *structures.UserProfile, error)
 	GetUserStream(uid string, start_index int, limit int) (*[]structures.Photo, error)
-	GetComments(uid string, photo_id int64, requesting_uid string) (QueryResult, *[]structures.Comment, error)
+	GetComments(uid string, photo_id int64, requesting_uid string, start_index int, offset int) (QueryResult, *[]structures.Comment, error)
 	PostComment(uid string, photo_id int64, comment_user string, comment string) (QueryResult, error)
 	DeleteComment(uid string, photo_id int64, comment_id int64) (QueryResult, error)
 	GetCommentOwner(uid string, photo_id int64, comment_id int64) (QueryResult, string, error)