[![CodeFactor](https://www.codefactor.io/repository/github/notherealmarco/wasaphoto/badge?s=2a99529eb3b66797b3a0cae48a39232782ae6c1b)](https://www.codefactor.io/repository/github/notherealmarco/wasaphoto) # WASAPhoto *Keep in touch with your friends by sharing photos of special moments, thanks to WASAPhoto!* *You canupload your photos directly from your PC, and they will be visible to everyone following you.* --- ``` This is my project for the Web And Software Architecture (WASA) class ``` ### This project includes * An API specification using the OpenAPI standard * A backend written in the Go language * A frontend in Vue.js * Dockerfiles to deploy the backend and the frontend in a contaner. * Dockerfile.backend builds the container for the backend * Dockerfile.frontend builds the container for the frontend * Dockerfile.embedded builds a container which a backend which also delives the frontend