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Case study: battery-free smart home
- each device produces a new data sample with a rate that depends on the environment and the user (continuously, event based / on demand...)
- a device should only transmit when it has new data
- but in backscattering-based networks they need to be queried by the receiver
In which order should the reader query tags?
- assume prefixed timeslots
- TDMA with random access performs poorly
- TDMA with fixed assignment also does (wasted queries)
- we want to query devices that have new data samples and avoid
- data loss
- redundant queries
Goal: design a mac protocol that adapts to all of this.
One possibility is to use Reinforcement Learning
#### Reinforcement learning
How can an intelligent agent learns to make a good sequence of decisions
- an agent can figure out how the world works by trying things and see what happens
- is what people and animals do
- we explore a computational approach to learning from interaction
- goal-directed learning from interaction
RL is learning what to do, it presents two main characteristics:
- trial and error search
- delayed reward
- sensation, action and goal are the 3 main aspects of a reinforcement learning method
- a learning agents must be able to
- sense the state of the environment
- take actions that affects the state
Difference from other ML
- no supervisor
- feedback may be delayed
- time matters
- agent action affects future decisions
- ...
- online learning
Learning online
- learning while interacting with an ever changing world
- we expect agents to get things wrong, to refine their understanding as they go
- the world is not static, agents continuously encounter new situations
RL applications:
- self driving cars
- engineering
- healthcare
- news recommendation
- ...
- a reward is a scalar feedback signal (a number)
- reward Rt indicates how well the agent is doing at step t
- the agent should maximize cumulative reward
RL based on the reward hypotesis
all goals can be described by the maximization of expected cumulative rewards
communication in battery free environments
- positive rewards if the queried device has new data
- else negative
- tradeoff between exploration and exploitation
- to obtain a lot of reward a RL agent must prefer action that it tried and ...
- ...
exploration vs exploitation dilemma:
- comes from incomplete information: we need to gather enough information to make best overall decisions while keeping the risk under control
- exploitation: we take advanced of the best option we know
- exploration: test new decisions
### A general RL framework
at each timestamp the agent
- executes action
- receives observation
- receives scalar reward
the environment
agent state: the view of the agent on the environment state, is a function of history
- the function of the history is involved in taking the next decision
- the state representation defines what happens next
- ...
#### Inside the agent
one or more of these components
- **Policy:** agent's behavior function
- defines what to do (behavior at a given time)
- maps state to action
- core of the RL agent
- the policy is altered based on the reward
- may be
- deterministic: single function of the state
- stochastic: specifying probabilities for each actions
- reward changes probabilities
- **Value function:**
- specifies what's good in the long run
- is a prediction of future reward
- used to evaluate the goodness/badness of states
- values are prediction of rewards
- Vp(s) = Ep[yRt+1 + y^2Rt+2 ... | St = s]
- **Model:**
- predicts what the environment will do next
- many problems are model free
back to the original problem:
- n devices
- each devices produces new data with rate_i
- in which order should the reader query tags?
- formulate as an RL problem
- agent is the reder
- one action per device (query)
- rewards:
- positive when querying a device with new data
- negative if it has no data
- what to do if the device has lost data?
- state?