diff --git a/Concurrent Systems/notes/3.md b/Concurrent Systems/notes/3.md
index d9d6f35..b85b6b0 100644
--- a/Concurrent Systems/notes/3.md	
+++ b/Concurrent Systems/notes/3.md	
@@ -262,6 +262,9 @@ so by this, the very worst possible case is that my lock experiences that.
 It looks like I can experience at most $2n-1$ other critical sections, but it is even better, let's see:
 - $p_n$ invokes lock alone, completes its CS (the first after the reset) and its new DATE is n+1
 - all processes invoke lock simultaneously
+- $p_{n}$ has to wait all other processes to complete their CSs
+- when $p_{n-1}$ completes its CS, its new DATE will be $n+(n-1)+1=2n$ -> RESET
+- now all $p_{1}\dots p_{n-1}$ invoke lock again and complete their CSs (after that $p_i$ completes its CS, now it has `DATE[i] <- n+i`)
 #### Improvement of Aravind’s algorithm