diff --git a/Concurrent Systems/notes/3b - Aravind's algorithm and improvements.md b/Concurrent Systems/notes/3b - Aravind's algorithm and improvements.md index fc7a521..2e9442f 100644 --- a/Concurrent Systems/notes/3b - Aravind's algorithm and improvements.md +++ b/Concurrent Systems/notes/3b - Aravind's algorithm and improvements.md @@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ lock(i) := ``` - $p_n$ invokes lock alone, completes its CS and its new DATE is n +- all other $p_i, i \in P$ (with P being the s) **Lemma 1:** Suppose we have $n$ processes, then $\not \exists p_{j} : DATE[j]=DATE[i] \forall i \in [0, n]$ (non esistono due processi con lo stesso valore per DATE) *Proof:* @@ -104,4 +105,3 @@ lock(i) := *Proof:* For the upper bound, it's trivial: DATE is either decreased or set to $n$. ... -