diff --git a/Concurrent Systems/notes/4 - Semaphores.md b/Concurrent Systems/notes/4 - Semaphores.md
index be9bc6e..d5c6c07 100644
--- a/Concurrent Systems/notes/4 - Semaphores.md	
+++ b/Concurrent Systems/notes/4 - Semaphores.md	
@@ -93,4 +93,23 @@ B.consume() :=
 > Reading from / writing into the buffer can be very expensive!
 #### (Multiple) Producers/Consumers
-**Accessing BUF in MUTEX slows down the implementation**
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+**Accessing BUF in MUTEX slows down the implementation**, we would like to have the possibility to read and write from different cells **in parallel**.
+- we use two arrays FULL and EMPTY of atomic boolean registers, initialized at ff (all zeros) and tt (all ones), respectively
+- we have two extra semaphores SP and SC, both initialized at 1
+B.produce(v) :=
+	FREE.down()
+	SP.down()
+	while not EMPTY[in] do
+		IN <- (IN+1) mod k
+	i <- IN
+	EMPTY[IN] <- ff
+	SP.up()
+	BUF[i] <- v
+	FULL[i] <- tt
+	BUSY.up()
+	return
\ No newline at end of file