mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 07:06:14 +01:00
197 lines
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197 lines
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// This feature is not maintained anymore
// it has been commented as it depends on the old project structure
/** using HomeBot.ACL;
using HomeBot.ModuleLoader;
using System.Net;
using Telegram.Bot;
using Telegram.Bot.Types;
using Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums;
using Telegram.Bot.Types.ReplyMarkups;
namespace HomeBot.Modules.OttoLinux
public class OttoReverse : IModule
private List<Question> _questions;
private string NAME = "8reverse";
private bool LOCK = false;
public OttoReverse(string name, List<Question> questions, bool lck)
_questions = questions;
LOCK = lck;
NAME = name;
Thread thread = new Thread(() => new WebReverse(GetMatch));
public string Cmd()
return GetName();
public List<Question> GetMatch(string qst)
var m = qst
.Replace("\n", "")
.Replace("\r", "")
.Replace("<pre>", "")
.Replace("<code>", "")
.Replace("</pre>", "")
.Replace("</code>", "")
.Replace("'", "")
.Replace("à", "a")
.Replace("è", "e")
.Replace("é", "e")
.Replace("ì", "i")
.Replace("ò", "o")
.Replace("ù", "u")
.Replace(" ", "")
.Replace(" ", "")
var filtered = _questions.FindAll((Question q) =>
return q.Quest
.Replace("\n", "")
.Replace("\r", "")
.Replace("<pre>", "")
.Replace("<code>", "")
.Replace("</pre>", "")
.Replace("</code>", "")
.Replace("'", "")
.Replace("à", "a")
.Replace("è", "e")
.Replace("é", "e")
.Replace("ì", "i")
.Replace("ò", "o")
.Replace("ù", "u")
.Replace(" ", "")
.Replace(" ", "")
return filtered;
async void IModule.ProcessUpdate(ITelegramBotClient botClient, Update update, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var uid = update.Message.Chat.Id;
if (LOCK)
if (!ACM.CheckPermission(update.Message.From, Cmd(), botClient)) return;
if (!ACM.CheckPermission(uid, Cmd()))
ACM.GrantPermission(uid, Cmd());
await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
chatId: _acm.AdminId,
text: $"ACM: {update.Message.From.Id}\nL'utente {update.Message.From.FirstName} {update.Message.From.LastName} @{update.Message.From.Username}\nHa iniziato a usare il bot."
if (update.Type != UpdateType.Message)
if (update.Message!.Type != MessageType.Text)
if (update.Message.Text.Equals("/" + NAME))
await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
chatId: uid,
text: $"🤫 Hai appena scoperto una funzione nascosta! 🤐🥶"
var m = update.Message.Text
.Replace("\n", "")
.Replace("\r", "")
.Replace("<pre>", "")
.Replace("<code>", "")
.Replace("</pre>", "")
.Replace("</code>", "")
.Replace("'", "")
.Replace("à", "a")
.Replace("è", "e")
.Replace("é", "e")
.Replace("ì", "i")
.Replace("ò", "o")
.Replace("ù", "u")
.Replace(" ", "")
.Replace(" ", "")
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m)) return;
var filtered = _questions.FindAll((Question q) =>
return q.Quest
.Replace("\n", "")
.Replace("\r", "")
.Replace("<pre>", "")
.Replace("<code>", "")
.Replace("</pre>", "")
.Replace("</code>", "")
.Replace("'", "")
.Replace("à", "a")
.Replace("è", "e")
.Replace("é", "e")
.Replace("ì", "i")
.Replace("ò", "o")
.Replace("ù", "u")
.Replace(" ", "")
.Replace(" ", "")
if (!filtered.Any())
await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
chatId: uid,
text: $"❌ No match :("
await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
chatId: uid,
text: $"✅ Found {filtered.Count} matches!"
foreach (var q in filtered)
await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
chatId: uid,
text: $"❓ Possible match:\n\n{q.Quest}"
await Task.Delay(250);
await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
chatId: uid,
text: $"✅ Correct answare for the match:\n\n{q.Answers[q.Correct]}"
await Task.Delay(500);
public string GetName()
return NAME;
public void ProcessUpdate(ITelegramBotClient botClient, global::Telegram.Bot.Types.Update update, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public List<Question> GetQuestions()
return _questions;
} **/