Si consideri il seguente modello Modelica. Quale dei seguenti state diagram lo rappresenta correttamente ? block FSA // Finite State Automaton /* connector declarations outside this block: connector InputInteger = input Integer; connector OutputInteger = output Integer; */ InputInteger u; // external input OutputInteger x; // state parameter Real T = 1; algorithm when initial() then x := 0; elsewhen sample(0,T) then if (pre(x) == 0) and (pre(u) == 0) then x := 4; elseif (pre(x) == 0) and (pre(u) == 1) then x := 4; elseif (pre(x) == 0) and (pre(u) == 2) then x := 3; elseif (pre(x) == 1) and (pre(u) == 1) then x := 2; elseif (pre(x) == 1) and (pre(u) == 2) then x := 0; elseif (pre(x) == 2) and (pre(u) == 0) then x := 0; elseif (pre(x) == 2) and (pre(u) == 1) then x := 1; elseif (pre(x) == 2) and (pre(u) == 2) then x := 1; elseif (pre(x) == 3) and (pre(u) == 0) then x := 2; elseif (pre(x) == 3) and (pre(u) == 2) then x := 1; elseif (pre(x) == 4) and (pre(u) == 0) then x := 1; elseif (pre(x) == 4) and (pre(u) == 1) then x := 1; elseif (pre(x) == 4) and (pre(u) == 2) then x := 1; else x := pre(x); // default end if; end when; end FSA;