// This feature is not maintained anymore // it has been commented as it depends on the old project structure /** using HomeBot.ACL; using HomeBot.ModuleLoader; using System.Net; using Telegram.Bot; using Telegram.Bot.Types; using Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums; using Telegram.Bot.Types.ReplyMarkups; namespace HomeBot.Modules.OttoLinux { public class OttoReverse : IModule { private List _questions; private string NAME = "8reverse"; private bool LOCK = false; public OttoReverse(string name, List questions, bool lck) { _questions = questions; LOCK = lck; NAME = name; Thread thread = new Thread(() => new WebReverse(GetMatch)); thread.Start(); } public string Cmd() { return GetName(); } public List GetMatch(string qst) { var m = qst .Replace("\n", "") .Replace("\r", "") .Replace("
", "")
                .Replace("", "")
", "") .Replace("", "") .Replace("'", "") .Replace("à", "a") .Replace("è", "e") .Replace("é", "e") .Replace("ì", "i") .Replace("ò", "o") .Replace("ù", "u") .Replace(" ", "") .Replace(" ", "") .ToLower(); var filtered = _questions.FindAll((Question q) => { return q.Quest .Replace("\n", "") .Replace("\r", "") .Replace("
", "")
                .Replace("", "")
", "") .Replace("", "") .Replace("'", "") .Replace("à", "a") .Replace("è", "e") .Replace("é", "e") .Replace("ì", "i") .Replace("ò", "o") .Replace("ù", "u") .Replace(" ", "") .Replace(" ", "") .ToLower() .Contains(m); }); return filtered; } async void IModule.ProcessUpdate(ITelegramBotClient botClient, Update update, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var uid = update.Message.Chat.Id; if (LOCK) { if (!ACM.CheckPermission(update.Message.From, Cmd(), botClient)) return; } else { if (!ACM.CheckPermission(uid, Cmd())) { ACM.GrantPermission(uid, Cmd()); await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync( chatId: _acm.AdminId, text: $"ACM: {update.Message.From.Id}\nL'utente {update.Message.From.FirstName} {update.Message.From.LastName} @{update.Message.From.Username}\nHa iniziato a usare il bot." ); } } if (update.Type != UpdateType.Message) return; if (update.Message!.Type != MessageType.Text) return; if (update.Message.Text.Equals("/" + NAME)) { await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync( chatId: uid, text: $"🤫 Hai appena scoperto una funzione nascosta! 🤐🥶" ); return; } var m = update.Message.Text .Replace("\n", "") .Replace("\r", "") .Replace("
", "")
                .Replace("", "")
", "") .Replace("", "") .Replace("'", "") .Replace("à", "a") .Replace("è", "e") .Replace("é", "e") .Replace("ì", "i") .Replace("ò", "o") .Replace("ù", "u") .Replace(" ", "") .Replace(" ", "") .ToLower(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m)) return; var filtered = _questions.FindAll((Question q) => { return q.Quest .Replace("\n", "") .Replace("\r", "") .Replace("
", "")
                .Replace("", "")
", "") .Replace("", "") .Replace("'", "") .Replace("à", "a") .Replace("è", "e") .Replace("é", "e") .Replace("ì", "i") .Replace("ò", "o") .Replace("ù", "u") .Replace(" ", "") .Replace(" ", "") .ToLower() .Contains(m); }); if (!filtered.Any()) await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync( chatId: uid, text: $"❌ No match :(" ); else await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync( chatId: uid, text: $"✅ Found {filtered.Count} matches!" ); foreach (var q in filtered) { await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync( chatId: uid, text: $"❓ Possible match:\n\n{q.Quest}" ); await Task.Delay(250); await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync( chatId: uid, text: $"✅ Correct answare for the match:\n\n{q.Answers[q.Correct]}" ); await Task.Delay(500); } } public string GetName() { return NAME; } public void ProcessUpdate(ITelegramBotClient botClient, global::Telegram.Bot.Types.Update update, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public List GetQuestions() { return _questions; } } } **/