
1127 lines
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2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
package migration
import (
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
type plugin struct {
status string
replacedBy string
additional string
options map[string]option
action pluginActionFn // action affecting this plugin only
add serverActionFn // action to add a new plugin to the server block
downAction pluginActionFn // downgrade action affecting this plugin only
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
type option struct {
status string
replacedBy string
additional string
action optionActionFn // action affecting this option only
add pluginActionFn // action to add the option to the plugin
downAction optionActionFn // downgrade action affecting this option only
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
type release struct {
k8sReleases []string
nextVersion string
priorVersion string
dockerImageSHA string
plugins map[string]plugin // list of plugins with deprecation status and migration actions
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
// postProcess is a post processing action to take on the corefile as a whole. Used for complex migration
// tasks that dont fit well into the modular plugin/option migration framework. For example, when the
// action on a plugin would need to extend beyond the scope of that plugin (affecting other plugins, or
// server blocks, etc). e.g. Splitting plugins out into separate server blocks.
postProcess corefileAction
// defaultConf holds the default Corefile template packaged with the corresponding k8sReleases.
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
// Wildcards are used for fuzzy matching:
// "*" matches exactly one token
// "***" matches 0 all remaining tokens on the line
// Order of server blocks, plugins, and options does not matter.
// Order of arguments does matter.
defaultConf string
type corefileAction func(*corefile.Corefile) (*corefile.Corefile, error)
type serverActionFn func(*corefile.Server) (*corefile.Server, error)
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
type pluginActionFn func(*corefile.Plugin) (*corefile.Plugin, error)
type optionActionFn func(*corefile.Option) (*corefile.Option, error)
func removePlugin(*corefile.Plugin) (*corefile.Plugin, error) { return nil, nil }
func removeOption(*corefile.Option) (*corefile.Option, error) { return nil, nil }
func renamePlugin(p *corefile.Plugin, to string) (*corefile.Plugin, error) {
p.Name = to
return p, nil
func addToServerBlockWithPlugins(sb *corefile.Server, newPlugin *corefile.Plugin, with []string) (*corefile.Server, error) {
if len(with) == 0 {
// add to all blocks
sb.Plugins = append(sb.Plugins, newPlugin)
return sb, nil
for _, p := range sb.Plugins {
for _, w := range with {
if w == p.Name {
// add to this block
sb.Plugins = append(sb.Plugins, newPlugin)
return sb, nil
return sb, nil
func addToKubernetesServerBlocks(sb *corefile.Server, newPlugin *corefile.Plugin) (*corefile.Server, error) {
return addToServerBlockWithPlugins(sb, newPlugin, []string{"kubernetes"})
func addToForwardingServerBlocks(sb *corefile.Server, newPlugin *corefile.Plugin) (*corefile.Server, error) {
return addToServerBlockWithPlugins(sb, newPlugin, []string{"forward", "proxy"})
func addToAllServerBlocks(sb *corefile.Server, newPlugin *corefile.Plugin) (*corefile.Server, error) {
return addToServerBlockWithPlugins(sb, newPlugin, []string{})
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
var Versions = map[string]release{
"1.5.0": {
priorVersion: "1.4.0",
dockerImageSHA: "e83beb5e43f8513fa735e77ffc5859640baea30a882a11cc75c4c3244a737d3c",
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
plugins: map[string]plugin{
"errors": {
options: map[string]option{
"consolidate": {},
"log": {
options: map[string]option{
"class": {},
"health": {},
"ready": {
status: newdefault,
add: func(c *corefile.Server) (*corefile.Server, error) {
return addToKubernetesServerBlocks(c, &corefile.Plugin{Name: "ready"})
downAction: removePlugin,
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
"autopath": {},
"kubernetes": {
options: map[string]option{
"resyncperiod": {
status: deprecated,
action: removeOption,
2019-04-09 20:13:56 +02:00
"endpoint": {
status: ignored,
action: useFirstArgumentOnly,
2019-04-09 20:13:56 +02:00
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
"tls": {},
"kubeconfig": {},
"namespaces": {},
"labels": {},
"pods": {},
"endpoint_pod_names": {},
"upstream": {
status: ignored,
action: removeOption,
"ttl": {},
"noendpoints": {},
"transfer": {},
"fallthrough": {},
"ignore": {},
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
"k8s_external": {
options: map[string]option{
"apex": {},
"ttl": {},
"prometheus": {},
"proxy": {
status: removed,
replacedBy: "forward",
action: proxyToForwardPluginAction,
options: proxyToForwardOptionsMigrations,
2019-04-16 17:55:24 +02:00
"forward": {
options: map[string]option{
"except": {},
"force_tcp": {},
"prefer_udp": {},
"expire": {},
"max_fails": {},
"tls": {},
"tls_servername": {},
"policy": {},
"health_check": {},
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
"cache": {
options: map[string]option{
"success": {},
"denial": {},
"prefetch": {},
"loop": {},
"reload": {},
"loadbalance": {},
postProcess: breakForwardStubDomainsIntoServerBlocks,
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
"1.4.0": {
nextVersion: "1.5.0",
priorVersion: "1.3.1",
dockerImageSHA: "70a92e9f6fc604f9b629ca331b6135287244a86612f550941193ec7e12759417",
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
plugins: map[string]plugin{
"errors": {
options: map[string]option{
"consolidate": {},
"log": {
options: map[string]option{
"class": {},
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
"health": {},
"autopath": {},
"kubernetes": {
options: map[string]option{
2019-04-09 20:13:56 +02:00
"resyncperiod": {},
"endpoint": {
status: ignored,
action: useFirstArgumentOnly,
2019-04-09 20:13:56 +02:00
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
"tls": {},
"kubeconfig": {},
"namespaces": {},
"labels": {},
"pods": {},
"endpoint_pod_names": {},
"upstream": {
status: deprecated,
action: removeOption,
"ttl": {},
"noendpoints": {},
"transfer": {},
"fallthrough": {},
"ignore": {},
"k8s_external": {
options: map[string]option{
"apex": {},
"ttl": {},
"prometheus": {},
"proxy": {
status: deprecated,
replacedBy: "forward",
action: proxyToForwardPluginAction,
options: proxyToForwardOptionsMigrations,
2019-04-16 17:55:24 +02:00
"forward": {
options: map[string]option{
"except": {},
"force_tcp": {},
"prefer_udp": {},
"expire": {},
"max_fails": {},
"tls": {},
"tls_servername": {},
"policy": {},
"health_check": {},
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
"cache": {
options: map[string]option{
"success": {},
"denial": {},
"prefetch": {},
"loop": {},
"reload": {},
"loadbalance": {},
postProcess: breakForwardStubDomainsIntoServerBlocks,
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
"1.3.1": {
nextVersion: "1.4.0",
priorVersion: "1.3.0",
k8sReleases: []string{"1.15", "1.14"},
dockerImageSHA: "02382353821b12c21b062c59184e227e001079bb13ebd01f9d3270ba0fcbf1e4",
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
defaultConf: `.:53 {
kubernetes * *** {
pods insecure
prometheus :9153
forward . *
cache 30
plugins: map[string]plugin{
"errors": {
options: map[string]option{
"consolidate": {},
"log": {
options: map[string]option{
"class": {},
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
"health": {},
"autopath": {},
"kubernetes": {
options: map[string]option{
2019-04-09 20:13:56 +02:00
"resyncperiod": {},
"endpoint": {
status: deprecated,
action: useFirstArgumentOnly,
2019-04-09 20:13:56 +02:00
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
"tls": {},
"kubeconfig": {},
"namespaces": {},
"labels": {},
"pods": {},
"endpoint_pod_names": {},
"upstream": {},
"ttl": {},
"noendpoints": {},
"transfer": {},
"fallthrough": {},
"ignore": {},
"k8s_external": {
options: map[string]option{
"apex": {},
"ttl": {},
"prometheus": {},
2019-04-16 17:55:24 +02:00
"proxy": {
options: map[string]option{
"policy": {},
"fail_timeout": {},
"max_fails": {},
"health_check": {},
"except": {},
"spray": {},
"protocol": {},
"forward": {
options: map[string]option{
"except": {},
"force_tcp": {},
"prefer_udp": {},
"expire": {},
"max_fails": {},
"tls": {},
"tls_servername": {},
"policy": {},
"health_check": {},
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
"cache": {
options: map[string]option{
"success": {},
"denial": {},
"prefetch": {},
"loop": {},
"reload": {},
"loadbalance": {},
"1.3.0": {
nextVersion: "1.3.1",
priorVersion: "1.2.6",
dockerImageSHA: "e030773c7fee285435ed7fc7623532ee54c4c1c4911fb24d95cd0170a8a768bc",
plugins: map[string]plugin{
"errors": {
options: map[string]option{
"consolidate": {},
"log": {
options: map[string]option{
"class": {},
"health": {},
"autopath": {},
"kubernetes": {
options: map[string]option{
"resyncperiod": {},
"endpoint": {},
"tls": {},
"kubeconfig": {},
"namespaces": {},
"labels": {},
"pods": {},
"endpoint_pod_names": {},
"upstream": {},
"ttl": {},
"noendpoints": {},
"transfer": {},
"fallthrough": {},
"ignore": {},
"k8s_external": {
downAction: removePlugin,
options: map[string]option{
"apex": {},
"ttl": {},
"prometheus": {},
2019-04-16 17:55:24 +02:00
"proxy": {
options: map[string]option{
"policy": {},
"fail_timeout": {},
"max_fails": {},
"health_check": {},
"except": {},
"spray": {},
"protocol": {},
"forward": {
options: map[string]option{
"except": {},
"force_tcp": {},
"prefer_udp": {},
"expire": {},
"max_fails": {},
"tls": {},
"tls_servername": {},
"policy": {},
"health_check": {},
"cache": {
options: map[string]option{
"success": {},
"denial": {},
"prefetch": {},
"loop": {},
"reload": {},
"loadbalance": {},
"1.2.6": {
nextVersion: "1.3.0",
priorVersion: "1.2.5",
k8sReleases: []string{"1.13"},
dockerImageSHA: "81936728011c0df9404cb70b95c17bbc8af922ec9a70d0561a5d01fefa6ffa51",
defaultConf: `.:53 {
kubernetes * *** {
pods insecure
prometheus :9153
proxy . *
cache 30
plugins: map[string]plugin{
"errors": {
options: map[string]option{
"consolidate": {},
"log": {
options: map[string]option{
"class": {},
"health": {},
"autopath": {},
"kubernetes": {
options: map[string]option{
"resyncperiod": {},
"endpoint": {},
"tls": {},
"kubeconfig": {},
"namespaces": {},
"labels": {},
"pods": {},
"endpoint_pod_names": {},
"upstream": {},
"ttl": {},
"noendpoints": {},
"transfer": {},
"fallthrough": {},
"ignore": {},
"prometheus": {},
2019-04-16 17:55:24 +02:00
"proxy": {
options: map[string]option{
"policy": {},
"fail_timeout": {},
"max_fails": {},
"health_check": {},
"except": {},
"spray": {},
"protocol": {},
"forward": {
options: map[string]option{
"except": {},
"force_tcp": {},
"prefer_udp": {},
"expire": {},
"max_fails": {},
"tls": {},
"tls_servername": {},
"policy": {},
"health_check": {},
"cache": {
options: map[string]option{
"success": {},
"denial": {},
"prefetch": {},
"loop": {},
"reload": {},
"loadbalance": {},
"1.2.5": {
nextVersion: "1.2.6",
priorVersion: "1.2.4",
dockerImageSHA: "33c8da20b887ae12433ec5c40bfddefbbfa233d5ce11fb067122e68af30291d6",
plugins: map[string]plugin{
"errors": {},
"log": {
options: map[string]option{
"class": {},
"health": {},
"autopath": {},
"kubernetes": {
options: map[string]option{
"resyncperiod": {},
"endpoint": {},
"tls": {},
"kubeconfig": {},
"namespaces": {},
"labels": {},
"pods": {},
"endpoint_pod_names": {},
"upstream": {},
"ttl": {},
"noendpoints": {},
"transfer": {},
"fallthrough": {},
"ignore": {},
"prometheus": {},
2019-04-16 17:55:24 +02:00
"proxy": {
options: map[string]option{
"policy": {},
"fail_timeout": {},
"max_fails": {},
"health_check": {},
"except": {},
"spray": {},
"protocol": {},
"forward": {
options: map[string]option{
"except": {},
"force_tcp": {},
"prefer_udp": {},
"expire": {},
"max_fails": {},
"tls": {},
"tls_servername": {},
"policy": {},
"health_check": {},
"cache": {
options: map[string]option{
"success": {},
"denial": {},
"prefetch": {},
"loop": {},
"reload": {},
"loadbalance": {},
"1.2.4": {
nextVersion: "1.2.5",
priorVersion: "1.2.3",
dockerImageSHA: "a0d40ad961a714c699ee7b61b77441d165f6252f9fb84ac625d04a8d8554c0ec",
plugins: map[string]plugin{
"errors": {},
"log": {
options: map[string]option{
"class": {},
"health": {},
"autopath": {},
"kubernetes": {
options: map[string]option{
"resyncperiod": {},
"endpoint": {},
"tls": {},
"kubeconfig": {},
"namespaces": {},
"labels": {},
"pods": {},
"endpoint_pod_names": {},
"upstream": {},
"ttl": {},
"noendpoints": {},
"transfer": {},
"fallthrough": {},
"ignore": {},
"prometheus": {},
2019-04-16 17:55:24 +02:00
"proxy": {
options: map[string]option{
"policy": {},
"fail_timeout": {},
"max_fails": {},
"health_check": {},
"except": {},
"spray": {},
"protocol": {},
"forward": {
options: map[string]option{
"except": {},
"force_tcp": {},
"prefer_udp": {},
"expire": {},
"max_fails": {},
"tls": {},
"tls_servername": {},
"policy": {},
"health_check": {},
"cache": {
options: map[string]option{
"success": {},
"denial": {},
"prefetch": {},
"loop": {},
"reload": {},
"loadbalance": {},
"1.2.3": {
nextVersion: "1.2.4",
priorVersion: "1.2.2",
dockerImageSHA: "12f3cab301c826978fac736fd40aca21ac023102fd7f4aa6b4341ae9ba89e90e",
plugins: map[string]plugin{
"errors": {},
"log": {
options: map[string]option{
"class": {},
"health": {},
"autopath": {},
"kubernetes": {
options: map[string]option{
"resyncperiod": {},
"endpoint": {},
"tls": {},
"kubeconfig": {},
"namespaces": {},
"labels": {},
"pods": {},
"endpoint_pod_names": {},
"upstream": {},
"ttl": {},
"noendpoints": {},
"transfer": {},
"fallthrough": {},
"ignore": {},
"prometheus": {},
2019-04-16 17:55:24 +02:00
"proxy": {
options: map[string]option{
"policy": {},
"fail_timeout": {},
"max_fails": {},
"health_check": {},
"except": {},
"spray": {},
"protocol": {},
"forward": {
options: map[string]option{
"except": {},
"force_tcp": {},
"prefer_udp": {},
"expire": {},
"max_fails": {},
"tls": {},
"tls_servername": {},
"policy": {},
"health_check": {},
"cache": {
options: map[string]option{
"success": {},
"denial": {},
"prefetch": {},
"loop": {},
"reload": {},
"loadbalance": {},
"1.2.2": {
nextVersion: "1.2.3",
priorVersion: "1.2.1",
k8sReleases: []string{"1.12"},
dockerImageSHA: "3e2be1cec87aca0b74b7668bbe8c02964a95a402e45ceb51b2252629d608d03a",
defaultConf: `.:53 {
kubernetes * *** {
pods insecure
prometheus :9153
proxy . *
cache 30
plugins: map[string]plugin{
"errors": {},
"log": {
options: map[string]option{
"class": {},
"health": {},
"autopath": {},
"kubernetes": {
options: map[string]option{
"resyncperiod": {},
"endpoint": {},
"tls": {},
"namespaces": {},
"labels": {},
"pods": {},
"endpoint_pod_names": {},
"upstream": {},
"ttl": {},
"noendpoints": {},
"transfer": {},
"fallthrough": {},
"ignore": {},
"prometheus": {},
2019-04-16 17:55:24 +02:00
"proxy": {
options: map[string]option{
"policy": {},
"fail_timeout": {},
"max_fails": {},
"health_check": {},
"except": {},
"spray": {},
"protocol": {},
"forward": {
options: map[string]option{
"except": {},
"force_tcp": {},
"prefer_udp": {},
"expire": {},
"max_fails": {},
"tls": {},
"tls_servername": {},
"policy": {},
"health_check": {},
"cache": {
options: map[string]option{
"success": {},
"denial": {},
"prefetch": {},
"loop": {},
"reload": {},
"loadbalance": {},
"1.2.1": {
nextVersion: "1.2.2",
priorVersion: "1.2.0",
dockerImageSHA: "fb129c6a7c8912bc6d9cc4505e1f9007c5565ceb1aa6369750e60cc79771a244",
plugins: map[string]plugin{
"errors": {},
"log": {
options: map[string]option{
"class": {},
"health": {},
"autopath": {},
"kubernetes": {
options: map[string]option{
"resyncperiod": {},
"endpoint": {},
"tls": {},
"namespaces": {},
"labels": {},
"pods": {},
"endpoint_pod_names": {},
"upstream": {},
"ttl": {},
"noendpoints": {},
"transfer": {},
"fallthrough": {},
"ignore": {},
"prometheus": {},
2019-04-16 17:55:24 +02:00
"proxy": {
options: map[string]option{
"policy": {},
"fail_timeout": {},
"max_fails": {},
"health_check": {},
"except": {},
"spray": {},
"protocol": {},
"forward": {
options: map[string]option{
"except": {},
"force_tcp": {},
"prefer_udp": {},
"expire": {},
"max_fails": {},
"tls": {},
"tls_servername": {},
"policy": {},
"health_check": {},
"cache": {
options: map[string]option{
"success": {},
"denial": {},
"prefetch": {},
"loop": {
status: newdefault,
add: func(s *corefile.Server) (*corefile.Server, error) {
return addToForwardingServerBlocks(s, &corefile.Plugin{Name: "loop"})
downAction: removePlugin,
"reload": {},
"loadbalance": {},
"1.2.0": {
nextVersion: "1.2.1",
priorVersion: "1.1.4",
dockerImageSHA: "ae69a32f8cc29a3e2af9628b6473f24d3e977950a2cb62ce8911478a61215471",
plugins: map[string]plugin{
"errors": {},
"log": {
options: map[string]option{
"class": {},
"health": {},
"autopath": {},
"kubernetes": {
options: map[string]option{
"resyncperiod": {},
"endpoint": {},
"tls": {},
"namespaces": {},
"labels": {},
"pods": {},
"endpoint_pod_names": {},
"upstream": {},
"ttl": {},
"noendpoints": {},
"transfer": {},
"fallthrough": {},
"ignore": {},
"prometheus": {},
2019-04-16 17:55:24 +02:00
"proxy": {
options: map[string]option{
"policy": {},
"fail_timeout": {},
"max_fails": {},
"health_check": {},
"except": {},
"spray": {},
"protocol": {
status: removed,
action: proxyRemoveHttpsGoogleProtocol,
"forward": {
options: map[string]option{
"except": {},
"force_tcp": {},
"prefer_udp": {},
"expire": {},
"max_fails": {},
"tls": {},
"tls_servername": {},
"policy": {},
"health_check": {},
"cache": {
options: map[string]option{
"success": {},
"denial": {},
"prefetch": {},
"reload": {},
"loadbalance": {},
"1.1.4": {
nextVersion: "1.2.0",
priorVersion: "1.1.3",
dockerImageSHA: "463c7021141dd3bfd4a75812f4b735ef6aadc0253a128f15ffe16422abe56e50",
plugins: map[string]plugin{
"errors": {},
"log": {
options: map[string]option{
"class": {},
"health": {},
"autopath": {},
"kubernetes": {
options: map[string]option{
"resyncperiod": {},
"endpoint": {},
"tls": {},
"namespaces": {},
"labels": {},
"pods": {},
"endpoint_pod_names": {},
"upstream": {},
"ttl": {},
"noendpoints": {},
"transfer": {},
"fallthrough": {},
"ignore": {},
"prometheus": {},
2019-04-16 17:55:24 +02:00
"proxy": {
options: map[string]option{
"policy": {},
"fail_timeout": {},
"max_fails": {},
"health_check": {},
"except": {},
"spray": {},
"protocol": {
status: ignored,
action: proxyRemoveHttpsGoogleProtocol,
"forward": {
options: map[string]option{
"except": {},
"force_tcp": {},
"expire": {},
"max_fails": {},
"tls": {},
"tls_servername": {},
"policy": {},
"health_check": {},
"cache": {
options: map[string]option{
"success": {},
"denial": {},
"prefetch": {},
"reload": {},
"loadbalance": {},
"1.1.3": {
nextVersion: "1.1.4",
k8sReleases: []string{"1.11"},
dockerImageSHA: "a5dd18e048983c7401e15648b55c3ef950601a86dd22370ef5dfc3e72a108aaa",
defaultConf: `.:53 {
kubernetes * *** {
pods insecure
prometheus :9153
proxy . *
cache 30
2019-04-08 22:21:40 +02:00
var proxyToForwardOptionsMigrations = map[string]option{
"policy": {
action: func(o *corefile.Option) (*corefile.Option, error) {
if len(o.Args) == 2 && o.Args[1] == "least_conn" {
o.Name = "force_tcp"
o.Args = nil
return o, nil
"except": {},
"fail_timeout": {action: removeOption},
"max_fails": {action: removeOption},
"health_check": {action: removeOption},
"spray": {action: removeOption},
"protocol": {
action: func(o *corefile.Option) (*corefile.Option, error) {
if len(o.Args) >= 2 && o.Args[1] == "force_tcp" {
o.Name = "force_tcp"
o.Args = nil
return o, nil
return nil, nil
2019-04-09 20:13:56 +02:00
var proxyToForwardPluginAction = func(p *corefile.Plugin) (*corefile.Plugin, error) {
return renamePlugin(p, "forward")
var useFirstArgumentOnly = func(o *corefile.Option) (*corefile.Option, error) {
if len(o.Args) < 1 {
2019-04-09 20:13:56 +02:00
return o, nil
o.Args = o.Args[:1]
return o, nil
2019-04-09 20:13:56 +02:00
2019-04-16 17:55:24 +02:00
var proxyRemoveHttpsGoogleProtocol = func(o *corefile.Option) (*corefile.Option, error) {
if len(o.Args) > 0 && o.Args[0] == "https_google" {
return nil, nil
return o, nil
func breakForwardStubDomainsIntoServerBlocks(cf *corefile.Corefile) (*corefile.Corefile, error) {
for _, sb := range cf.Servers {
for j, fwd := range sb.Plugins {
if fwd.Name != "forward" {
if len(fwd.Args) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("found invalid forward plugin declaration")
if fwd.Args[0] == "." {
// dont move the default upstream
if len(sb.DomPorts) != 1 {
return cf, errors.New("unhandled migration of multi-domain/port server block")
if sb.DomPorts[0] != "." && sb.DomPorts[0] != ".:53" {
return cf, errors.New("unhandled migration of non-default domain/port server block")
newSb := &corefile.Server{} // create a new server block
newSb.DomPorts = []string{fwd.Args[0]} // copy the forward zone to the server block domain
fwd.Args[0] = "." // the plugin's zone changes to "." for brevity
newSb.Plugins = append(newSb.Plugins, fwd) // add the plugin to its new server block
// Add appropriate addtl plugins to new server block
newSb.Plugins = append(newSb.Plugins, &corefile.Plugin{Name: "loop"})
newSb.Plugins = append(newSb.Plugins, &corefile.Plugin{Name: "errors"})
newSb.Plugins = append(newSb.Plugins, &corefile.Plugin{Name: "cache", Args: []string{"30"}})
//add new server block to corefile
cf.Servers = append(cf.Servers, newSb)
//remove the forward plugin from the original server block
sb.Plugins = append(sb.Plugins[:j], sb.Plugins[j+1:]...)
return cf, nil