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Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is a technology that uses radio waves to communicate wirelessly. An RFID system consists of two main components:
- Tags: small, inexpensive, and long-lasting devices that are attached to objects to be identified. They store a unique identifier, typically 96 bits long, and consist of an antenna integrated onto a microchip. RFID tags are battery-free, passive devices that harvest power from radio frequency signals. They reflect the signal generated by the reader to transmit their unique ID.
- Readers: These are more powerful devices that query tags to retrieve their IDs.
MAC issues
- large number of passive tags
- tags cannot transmit transmit spontaneously:
- reader queries tags
- tags respond with their ID by back-scattering the received signal
- two or more simultaneous tag responses cause collision
- tags cannot ear each other (no carrier sense, no collision detection)
- channel access must be arbitrated by the reader
Mac protocols
To identify tags in a RFID system, several MAC protocols have been proposed
Sequential protocols aim at singulating tag transmissions
- Tree based
- Binary Splitting
- Query Tree
- Variations (Query Tree Improved)
- Aloha based
- Framed Slotted Alhoa
- EPC Gen Standard
- Tree Slotted Alhoa
- Variations (BSTSA)
Concurrent protocols not covered in the course
Binary Splitting
BS recursively splits answering tags into two subgroups until obtaining singletag groups.
Tags answer to reader’s queries according to the generation of a binary random number
Suppose we have a set of tags to identify
Each tag has a counter initially set to zero
The tags with the counter = 0 reply to the reader query
The reader sends a query
All tags reply → collision
Each tag generates a random binary number (0,1) and sums it to the counter
The process repeats
- The reader sends a query
- All tags with C=0 replies
- If collision → each replying tag generates a random binary number and sums it to its counter
- Each other tag (silent) → C=C+1
- If none or one tag replies → all tags: counter = counter - 1
Query Tree
QT queries tags according to the binary structure of their ID
The reader interrogates tags by sending them a string, and only those tags whose IDs have a prefix matching that string respond to the query
At the beginning, the reader queries all tags: this is implemented by including a NULL string in the query
If a collision occurs, then the string length is increased by one bit until the collision is solved and a tag is identified
The reader then starts a new query with a different string. In particular, if tag identification occurs with a string q0 the reader will query for string q1
In case of uniform ID distribution, the tree induced by QT is analogous to the tree induced by BS, this is because a set of uniformly distributed tags splits approximately in equal parts, like in the Bs protocol.
→ QT and BS protocols have the same estimated performance!
Measuring the performance
- we want to know how fast a protocol is to collect all tags ID (each tag needs to reply)
- if we have n tags, then the protocol will end when all n tags have responded singularly
- system efficiency:
SE = \frac{n}{q}
(n = single responses, q = total number of queries)
Performance of Binary Splitting
- to evaluate efficiency (SE) we need to estimate the total number of queries (#Q) that we call
- to evaluate the total number of queries we estimate the total number of nodes in a BS tree
- at each queries tags split into two sets
- we recursively count the number of nodes in the tree
- we estimate the total number of queries
to identify n tags asBS_{tot}(n)=\begin{cases}1,n\le1\\ 1+\sum_{k=0}^{n}\binom{n}{k}\left(\frac12\right)^{k}\left(1-\frac12\right)^{n-k}\left(BS_{tot}\left(k\right)+BS_{tot}\left(n-k\right)\right),n>1\end{cases}
- for large values of n, we get
, which means that only 38% of queries are successful! - the efficiency is low!
Aloha principle
- Time is slotted. Slot duration is equal to the tag’s ID transmission time
- Slots are grouped into frames
- Each tag randomly picks a slot to respond
Frame slotted Aloha
- when a reader issues a start of frame, it includes the number of slots in a frame
- the tags then randomly pick a slot in which to reply
- collisions occur if two or more tags pick the same slot
- the process repeats itself until all tags are identified
- once a tag is identified, it no longer responds to the start of frame
In the example above, we have 6 slots, 3 collision and 3 identified tags.
- system efficiency is equal to
\frac{\#identifications}{\#slots} = 50\%
- in general, best performance is achieved when the number of slots in a frame is equal to the number of tags to be identified
EPC Gen 2 class 1
- Based on Frame slotted Aloha
- adapts frame length according to the number of collisions and empty slots
- specifies the transmission time model, that allow us to estimate a temporale evaluation of protocol performance
Transmission time model
- R1: tag reaction time
- R2: reader reaction time
- RX_threshold: time at which the reader should receive the first bit of tag transmission
The key aspect of transmission time model stands in observing that idle responses (no response) last less than identification or colliding responses
Analytical model
Each tag randomly selects a slot (balls and bins model)
- n tags randomly select the slot to answer among N slots
- the probability that r tags answer in the same slot is given by the binomial distribution
- the number of slots with exactly r tags (probabilità che r tag scelgano lo stesso slot) is given by:
Time system efficiency
- Let
R_{ident}, R_{call}, R_{idle}
be the number of identifications, collisions and idle rounds during the identification process R_{idle}=N(1-\frac{1}{N})^n
- system efficiency =
- will be 36% if rounds have the same duration
As stated before, we can make idle rounds last less. Let's suppose they last a \beta
fraction of the identification/collision round time:
Time\_SE=\frac{R_{ident}}{\beta R_{idle}+R_{ident}+R_{coll}}=\frac{n\left(1-\frac{1}{N}\right)^{n-1}}{\left(\beta-1\right)N\left(1-\frac{1}{N}\right)^{n}+N}
40% of time is wasted in idle and collisions slots! Can we reduce this time?
Tree slotted Aloha
- slots are executed following a tree
- a new child frame is issued for each collision slot: only tags replying to the same slot participate into the new slot
- To estimate TSA performance we again count the number of nodes in the TSA tree
TSA_{tot}(n)=\begin{cases}1,n=1\\ n+n\sum_{k=2}^{n}\binom{n}{k}\left(\frac{1}{n}\right)^{k}\left(1-\frac{1}{n}\right)^{n-k}TSA_{tot}\left(k\right),n>1\end{cases}
TSA and FSA: main issues
Often the number of tags in the system is not known!
- how can we estimate the frame size?
- any time TSA issues a new frame it has to estimate the number of tags participating into that frame
- and the initial frame? How many tags are in the environment?
Estimating tag population for intermediate frames
The number of tags to be identified is not known
The initial frame size is set to a predefined value (i.e., 128)
The size of the following frames is estimated
tags\_per\_collision\_slot=\frac{(estimated\_total\_num\_of\_tags) - (identified\_tags)}{collision\_slots}
We know number of identified tags and number of collision slots, but we don't know the total number of tags! :/
The total number of tags is estimated according to the outcome of the previous frame (based on Chebyshevʼs inequality) !
I look for the n (number of tags) value that minimizes the difference!
Given N and a possible value of n, the expected number of slots with r tags is estimated as:
Inaccuracy of tag estimation for large networks
- The estimator does not capture the possibly high variance of the number of tags
- The minimum distance is computed over n ranging in
[c_1 + 2c_k, 2(c1 + 2c_k)]
- The upper bound
2(c1 + 2c_k)
is not adequate for network composed of thousands of nodes !Let's try to find a better upper bound! A solution can be the BSTSA protocol.
Binary Splitting Tree Slotted Aloha
- Basic principle: any large group of elements randomly split into two groups of almost the same size
- BSTSA: Combination of BS and TSA
L'idea è che facendo binary split fino ad avere un gruppo con un solo tag (come in figura), poi posso finalmente stimare la dimensione degli altri gruppi, in questo modo posso scegliere un valore di N (numero di slot) adeguato per identificare ogni gruppo con TSA.