master-degree-notes/Autonomous Networking/notes/4 WSN

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  • routing technique is needed to establish multi-hop communication
  • the routing strategy should ensure
    • mminimun energy consumption
    • maximization of the network lifetime

Ad Hoc Routing Protocols Classification

  • network topology
    • flat
    • hierarchical
  • which data is used to identify nodes
    • arbitrary identifier
    • the position of a node
      • can be used to assist in geographical routing problems to decide next hop
      • scalable and suitable for sensor networks
Flat routing protocols

Three main categories

  • Proactive protocols (table driven)
    • always tries to keep routing data up-to-date
    • active before tables are actually needed
      • routes are always already known
      • more bandwidth and energy usage
  • Reactive protocols
    • route determined only when needed
    • operates on demand
      • when a route is needed, a kind of global search is started
        • causes delays if routes are not already cached
  • Hybrid protocols
    • combination of these behaviors

Destination Sequence Distance Vector (DSDV)

  • based on bellman-ford algorithm
  • proactive protocol
  • add aging information to avoid routing loops
  • on topology change, send incremental route updates
  • unstable route updates are delayed

!Pasted image 20241011191033.png

  • to avoid loops, DSDV adds a sequence number to each routing table entry which is periodically updated. Routes with higher sequence number are preferred
Reactive protocols


  • copies of incoming packets are sent by every link except the one by which the packet is arrived
  • generates a lot of superfluous traffic
  • flooding is a reactive technique, and does not require costly topology maintenance and complex route discovery algorithms


  • derivery is guaranteed (e grazie al cazzo)
  • one copy will arrive by the quickest possible route (wow)


  • implosion: duplicated messages are broadcasted to the same node
  • overlap: if two nodes share the same under observation region, both of them may sense the same stimuli at the same time. As a result, neighbor nodes receive duplicated messages
  • resource blindness (no knowledge about the available resources)
  • does not take into consideration all the available energy resources
  • consumes a lot of energy


  • nodes send the incoming packages to a randomly selected neighbor
  • avoids implosion, but it takes long to propagate the message

Dynamic Source Routing (DSR)

  • Source routing: Each data packet sent carries in its header the complete, ordered list of nodes through which the packet will pass
  • The sender can select and control the routes used for its own packets and supports the use of multiple routes to any destination
  • Including the route in the header of each packet, helps other nodes forwarding the packet to cache the routing information for future use

DSR is composed by two main mechanism:

  • Route Discovery
    • mechanism by which a node S obtains the route to a destination node D
    • used only if S doesn't already know the route
    • every request contains an unique ID and a route record
      • S sends a broadcast Route Request packet
      • every node broadcasts the packet (with the same ID) appending their own address to the route record
      • when D receives the request, it sends a Route Reply back to the initiator S, with a copy of the route record
        • more than a route can be returned, making the protocol more resistent to changes in network topology
  • Route Maintenance
    • mechanism by which a node S can detect (while sending a packet to D) if the network topology has changed and the route can't be used anymore

!Pasted image 20241012174130.png

Ad-hoc On Demand Distance Vector routing (AODV)

  • a mix between DSR and DSDV
  • nodes maintain routing tables
  • sequence numbers added to handle stale caches (when routing info is too old)
  • nodes remember from where a packet came and populate routing tables

We can see it as an improved DSDV, as it minimizes the number of required broadcast by creating routes on a demand basis.

  • if the source node S does not have the route to D, S initiates a path discovery process to locate D
  • the route request is broadcasted to the neighbors
  • when a node receives a broadcast RREQ, it records in their table the address of the neighbor who sent the request
  • when the destination or an intermediate node that can reach the destiation is reached, it replies with a route reply (RREP) packet back to the neighbor from which it first received the RREQ
  • the RREQ is routed back along the reverse path
  • nodes along the path updates their table

!Pasted image 20241012175224.png

Geographical routing

  • routing tables contain information to which next hop a packet should be forwarded
  • this can be explicitly constructed, or implicitly inferred from physical placement of nodes
    • by knowing the position of nodes, we can send the packet to a neighbor in the right direction
    • we can also do geocasting: sending to any node in a given area
    • to map a node ID to the node position we might need a location service


  • Most forward within range r
    • send to that neighbor that realizes the most forward progress towards destination, but staying in a range r (quello che stando nel range r si avvicina di più geograficamente parlando)
  • Nearest node with (any) forward progress
    • the opposite as the previous strategy
    • minimizes transmission power
  • Directional routing
    • choose next hop that is angularly closest to destination (closest to the connecting line to destination)
    • come se tracciassi una linea tra S e D e prendessi gli hop più vicini alla linea
    • problem: might result in loops!

Dead ends problem

!Pasted image 20241012182403.png


  • there are many other protocols
  • the best solution depends on network characteristics
    • mobility
    • node capabilities
  • geographic approach allows to save more energy
  • proactive approach is fast, but involves overhead
  • reactive approach generate much less overhead, but it is slower