master-degree-notes/Autonomous Networking/notes/7

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Case study: battery-free smart home

  • each device produces a new data sample with a rate that depends on the environment and the user (continuously, event based / on demand...)
  • a device should only transmit when it has new data
    • but in backscattering-based networks they need to be queried by the receiver

In which order should the reader query tags?

  • assume prefixed time slots
  • TDMA with random access performs poorly
  • TDMA with fixed assignment also does (wasted queries)
  • we want to query devices that have new data samples and avoid
    • data loss
    • redundant queries

Goal: design a mac protocol that adapts to all of this. One possibility is to use Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning

How can an intelligent agent learns to make a good sequence of decisions

  • an agent can figure out how the world works by trying things and see what happens
  • is what people and animals do
  • we explore a computational approach to learning from interaction
    • goal-directed learning from interaction

RL is learning what to do, it presents two main characteristics:

  • trial and error search

  • delayed reward

  • sensation, action and goal are the 3 main aspects of a reinforcement learning method

  • a learning agents must be able to

    • sense the state of the environment
    • take actions that affects the state

Difference from other ML

  • no supervisor
  • feedback may be delayed
  • time matters
  • agent action affects future decisions
  • a sequence of successful decisions will result in the process being reinforced
  • RL learns online

Learning online

  • learning while interacting with an ever changing world
  • we expect agents to get things wrong, to refine their understanding as they go
  • the world is not static, agents continuously encounter new situations

RL applications:

  • self driving cars
  • engineering
  • healthcare
  • news recommendation
  • ...


  • a reward is a scalar feedback signal (a number)
  • reward Rt indicates how well the agent is doing at step t
  • the agent should maximize cumulative reward

RL based on the reward hypotesis all goals can be described by the maximization of expected cumulative rewards

communication in battery free environments

  • positive rewards if the queried device has new data
  • else negative


  • tradeoff between exploration and exploitation
  • to obtain a lot of reward a RL agent must prefer action that it tried in the past
  • but better actions may exist... So the agent has to exploit!

exploration vs exploitation dilemma:

  • comes from incomplete information: we need to gather enough information to make best overall decisions while keeping the risk under control
  • exploitation: we take advanced of the best option we know
  • exploration: test new decisions

A general RL framework

at each timestamp the agent:

  • executes action At
  • receives observation Ot
  • receives scalar reward Rt

the environment:

  • receives action At
  • emits observation Ot
  • emits scalar reward Rt

agent state: the view of the agent on the environment state, is a function of history

  • the function of the history is involved in taking the next decision
  • the state representation defines what happens next
  • ...

Inside the agent

one or more of these components

  • Policy: agent's behavior function
    • defines what to do (behavior at a given time)
    • maps state to action
    • core of the RL agent
    • the policy is altered based on the reward
    • may be
      • deterministic: single function of the state
      • stochastic: specifying probabilities for each actions
        • reward changes probabilities
  • Value function:
    • specifies what's good in the long run
    • is a prediction of future reward
    • used to evaluate the goodness/badness of states
    • values are prediction of rewards
    • Vp(s) = Ep[yRt+1 + y^2Rt+2 ... | St = s]
  • Model:
    • predicts what the environment will do next
    • many problems are model free

back to the original problem:

  • n devices
  • each devices produces new data with rate_i
  • in which order should the reader query tags?
  • formulate as an RL problem
    • agent is the reder
    • one action per device (query)
    • rewards:
      • positive when querying a device with new data
      • negative if it has no data
      • what to do if the device has lost data?
    • state?

Exploration vs exploitation trade-off

  • Rewards evaluate actions taken
  • evaluative feedback depends on the action taken
  • no active exploration

Let's consider a simplified version of an RL problem: K-armed bandit problem.

  • K different options
  • every time need to chose one
  • maximize expected total reward over some time period
  • analogy with slot machines
    • the levers are the actions
    • which level gives the highest reward?
  • Formalization
    • set of actions A (or "arms")
    • reward function R that follows an unknown probability distributions
    • only one state
    • ...

Example: doctor treatment

  • doctor has 3 treatments (actions), each of them has a reward.
  • for the doctor to decide which action to take is best, we must define the value of taking each action
  • we call these values the action values (or action value function)
  • action value: ...

Each action has a reward defined by a probability distribution.

  • the red treatment has a bernoulli probability

  • the yellow treatment binomial

  • the blue uniform

  • the agent does not know the distributions!

  • the estimated action for action a is the sum of rewards observed divided by the total time the action has been taken (add formula ...)

    • 1predicate denotes the random variable (1 if true else 0)
  • greedy action:

    • doctors assign the treatment they currently think is the best
    • ...
    • the greedy action is computed as the argmax of Q values
    • greedy always exploits current knowledge
  • epsilon-greedy:

    • with a probability epsilon sometimes we explore
      • 1-eps probability: we chose best greedy action
      • eps probability: we chose random action

exercises ...

exercise 2: k-armed bandit problem. K = 4 actions, denoted 1,2,3 and 4 eps-greedy selection initial Q estimantes = 0 for all a.

Initial sequenze of actions and rewards is: A1 = 1 R1 = 1 A2 = 2 R2 = 2 A3 = 2 R3 = 2 A4 = 2 R4 = 2 A5 = 3 R5 = 0

step A1: action 1 selected. Q of action 1 is 1 step A2: action 2 selected. Q(1) = 1, Q(2) = 1 step A3: action 2 selected. Q(1) = 2, Q(2) = 1.5 step A4: action 2. Q(1) = 1, Q(2) = 1.6 step A5: action 3. Q(1) = 1, Q(2) = 1.6, Q(3) = 0

For sure A2 and A5 are epsilon cases, system didn't chose the one with highest Q value. A3 and A4 can be both greedy and epsilon case.

Incremental formula to estimate action-value

  • to simplify notation we concentrate on a single action
  • Ri denotes the reward received after the i(th) selection of this action. Qn denotes the estimate of its action value after it has been selected n-1 times (add Qn formula ...)
  • given Qn and the reward Rn, the new average of rewards can be computed by (add formula with simplifications...) Q_(n+1) = Q_{n} + \frac{1}{n}[Rn - Qn]
    • NewEstimate <- OldEstimate + StepSize (Target - OldEstimate)
    • Target - OldEstimate is the error

Pseudocode for bandit algorithm:

Initialize for a = 1 to k:
	Q(a) = 0
	N(a) = 0
Loop forever:
	with probability 1-eps:
		A = argmax_a(Q(a))
		A = random action
	R = bandit(A) # returns the reward of the action A
	N(A) = N(A) + 1
	Q(A) = Q(A) + 1\N(A) * (R - Q(A))

Nonstationary problem: rewards probabilities change over time.

  • in the doctor example, a treatment may not be good in all conditions
  • the agent (doctor) is unaware of the changes, he would like to adapt to it

An option is to use a fixed step size. We remove the 1/n factor and add an \alpha constant factor between 0 and 1. And we get Q_{n+1} = (1-\alpha)^{n}Q_1 + \sum_{i=1}^{n}{\alpha(1 - \alpha)^{(n-1)} R_i}