master-degree-notes/Concurrent Systems/notes/3b - Aravind's algorithm and

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Aravinds algorithm

Problem with Lamport's "Bakery" algorithm: registers must be unbounded (every invocation of lock potentially increases the counter by 1 -> domain of the registers is all natural numbers!)

For all processes, we have a FLAG and a STAGE (both binary MRSW) and a DATE (MRMW) register that ranges from 1 to 2n.

For all i, initialize
	FLAG[i] to down
	STAGE[i] to 0
	DATE[i] to i

lock(i) :=
	FLAG[i] <- up
		STAGE[i] <- 0
		wait (foreach j != i, FLAG[j] = down OR DATE[i] < DATE[j])
		STAGE[i] <- 1
	until foreach j != i, STAGE[j] = 0

unlock(i) :=
	tmp <- max_j{DATE[j]}+1
	if tmp >= 2n
		then foreach j, DATE[j] <- j
		else DATE[i] <- tmp
	STAGE[i] <- 0
	FLAG[i] <- down

MUTEX proof

Theorem: if p_i is in the CS, then p_j cannot simultaneously be in the CS. Proof: by contradiction.

Let's consider the execution of p_i leading to its CS: !Pasted image 20250310172134.png

Corollary (of the MUTEX proof): DATE is never written concurrently.

Bounded bypass proof

Lemma 1: exactly after n CSs there is a reset of DATE. Proof:

  • the first CS leads max_j{DATE[j]} to n+1
  • the seconds CS leads ... to n+2
  • ...
  • the n-th read leads ... to n+n = 2n -> RESET

Lemma 2: there can be at most one reset of DATE during an invocation of a lock Proof:

  • let p_i invoke lock, if no reset occurs, ok
  • otherwise, let us consider the moment in which a reset occurs
    • if pi is the next process that enters the CS, ok
    • Otherwise let p_j be the process that enters; its next date is n+1 > DATE[i]
      • p_{j} cannot surpass p_i again (before a RESET)
    • The worst case is then all processes perform lock together and i = n (i am process n)
      • all p_{1}\dots p_{n} surpass p_{n}
      • then p_n enters and it resets the DATE in its unlock
        • only 1 reset and it is the worst case!

Theorem: the algorithm satisfies bounded bypass with bound 2n-2. Proof: !Pasted image 20250310103703.png so by this, the very worst possible case is that my lock experiences that.

It looks like I can experience at most 2n-1 other critical sections, but it is even better, let's see:

  • p_n invokes lock alone, completes its CS (the first after the reset) and its new DATE is n+1
  • all processes invoke lock simultaneously
  • p_{n} has to wait all other processes to complete their CSs
  • when p_{n-1} completes its CS, its new DATE will be n+(n-1)+1=2n -> RESET
  • now all p_{1}\dots p_{n-1} invoke lock again and complete their CSs (after that p_i completes its CS, now it has DATE[i] <- n+i, because as everyone invoked lock after the RESET, max date was n)
  • so p_n has to wait n-1 CSs for the reset, and another n-1 CSs before entering again. Literally the worst case is when the process is the first of the first round, and the last of the last round.

Improvement of Aravinds algorithm

unlock(i) :=
	∀j≠i.if DATE[j] > DATE[i] then
		DATE[j] <- DATE[j]-1
		DATE[i] <- n
		STAGE[i] <- 0
		FLAG[i] <- down

Since the LOCK is like before, the revised protocol satisfies MUTEX. Furthermore, you can prove that it satisfies bounded bypass with bound n-1 -> EXERCISE!

Let's remember ourselves how is the locking function defined:

lock(i) :=
	FLAG[i] <- up
		STAGE[i] <- 0
		wait (foreach j != i, FLAG[j] = down OR DATE[i] < DATE[j])
		STAGE[i] <- 1
	until foreach j != i, STAGE[j] = 0
  • p_n invokes lock alone, completes its CS and its new DATE is n
  • all other p_i, i \in P (with P being the set of all processes) will have DATE[i] < n, as their value for DATE is decreased
  • suppose every process invoke lock, then p_n has to wait all other processes to complete their CSs
  • scenario 1: every other p_i keep invoking lock again immediately after the unlock
    • DATE[i] will always be > DATE[n]
    • after n-1 turns, DATE[n] will have DATE[n] = 1, with every other DATE[i] > 1, i!=n ->
  • scenario 2: not every process invokes the lock

Lemma 1: Suppose we have n processes, then \not \exists p_{j} : DATE[j]=DATE[i] \forall i \in [0, n] (non esistono due processi con lo stesso valore per DATE) Proof:

  • Suppose p_j is the last process to execute unlock, then DATE[j] = n and for each i, DATE[i] < n, as DATE is either set to n or decreased.
  • by iterating this reasoning, it is clear that until every DATE is > 0, we have no processes with the same value for DATE.
  • What if we reach 0?
    • Let's suppose that p_i is the first process that reaches DATE = 0

Lemma 2: DATE's bounds are [0, n] Proof: For the upper bound, it's trivial: DATE is either decreased or set to n. ...