
792 B


The code behind so-un-bot

Nothing is documnted so far. I will try to write a documentation on my free time. Have fun!

How to run

Prepare the environment

$ dotnet restore

Option 1: using the .NET runtime (and SDK) in your host

$ dotnet run

This will compile the project in debug mode

Option 2: in Docker

$ dotnet publish -c Release
$ docker build -t sounbot .
$ docker run -d --name='sounbot' -v '/path/to/datadir':'/App/ACL':'rw' 'sobot:latest'

Remember to change /path/to/datadir with your own data directory!

How to debug

Just open the project in Visual Studio or VSCode with the .NET Extension Pack extension.

You will need the .NET 6.0 SDK: